ZOBELE – Advisory on sustainable packaging strategy

Zobele Group is a packaging company with presence worldwide. Zobele is interested in an overview assessment of three product and packaging lines that they claim to be sustainable packaging, products to udenrstand where they are and what would be the optimiztion path from a C2C CE perspective.

The assessment was conduted for Spain, France, UK, Italy, Germany and Poland.

EIG performed a pre-assessment and bencmark of the product lines: Terra, Tinkerbells and Ecotabs.

Optimization opportunities were definied both for products and packaging.


  • Understanding where we are

    Pre-assessment of three product and packaging lines to understand current design and materials from a C2C perspective.

  • Benchmark

    Opportunities against several certification programs

  • Next Steps

    Defining general guidelines for C2C circularity to explore further in the future.