SOLITEK – The first EU solar panels C2C Certified Gold V3.1
Certified products:
- SoliTek SOLID Module
High quality and efficient glass-glass solar modules that can be used for various applications such as rooftops, façades, carports, and ground-mounted.
Quality assurance
Solitek aims to stand out their competitors by assessing the quality of their glass-glass solar panels against C2C Certified criteria
Understanding and optimizing ingredients health, exploring the collaboration opportunities with the supply chain,
To learn how to build and endlessly cycle the valuable materials that are part of Solitek products
98% of materials by weight assessed.
Supply Chain
10 suppliers contacted with 80% of collaboration rate achieved.
Material Health
Only Material Health quality category below Gold. Nutrient management plan outlined.
Key Learnings
Cyclability and transparency
There’s no circularity possible without transparency. To manage nutrients properly it is necessary to be able to properly identify them, wich is not possible without suppliers collaboration.
Beyond transparency, traceability is the name of the game in the circular economy. Circular Passports and Circular Nutrient Management are the future.