30 March 2020
Tele-working to Build a Healthier and More Resilient New System
These days at EIG we are working harder than ever to help you transform this systemic challenge into a systemic re-design opportunity.
Dear clients, partners, collaborators and friends,
These are very difficult times for everyone: for people, business, and planet. EIG was founded in 2005 at the brink of the hardest economic recession that Spain had faced in 50 years, exacerbated by a Real Estate bubble that was supposed to turn things upside down.
During this time, we realized the opportunity we are facing. It’s not time to blame. It’s time to think differently and to act differently. And 15 years later, this message still applies. As individuals as well as institutions, companies, and human organizations of any kind, we’re all facing a monumental challenge: Change.
The drivers for change have been around for decades, and we’ve had many wake-up calls. But for most of our generation – those who have been lucky enough not to have suffered a war situation – this is the first time we’re facing a systemic challenge. Fritjof Capra told us decades ago that systemic change was needed, but now we know that systemic and systematic are different things.
Business, people and planet are the same thing. This is why we have been promoting the triple top line idea, borrowed from William McDonough, as a blue print for running business, from the molecule to the region.
Dealing with complexity and uncertainty is what we have been doing for 15 years now (yes, this crazy 2020 is EIG’s 15 year anniversary), but we know we can’t do it alone. As Rick Fredrizzi from the USGBC says: If not us, who? If not now, when?
It’s time to act.
The most rewarding part of working together is personal contact, face to face meetings, learning from you as much as you learn from me, or even more. We will miss this for some time, hopefully a short time, but we will keep ourselves visible, accessible and accountable, you can count on that.
Hope is what differentiates us from other living creatures, because hope is a human emotion linked to legacy.
We really hope you’re all healthy, safe and connected.
We are here.
All the best,